I have good news for you, the bank management has finally responded positively and approved you as the rightful next of Kin beneficiary to your late relation. Please, go through the attached documents, approval letter from the bank, letter from me, draft copy of the Authorization letter you shall sign and return back to me by email scanning. Send me the required ClearSelected so I can commence the process.
For your convenience, you should send the required administrative fees [EUR 5,085.15 DOLLARS OR THE Equivalent US $ 6,954.96]; through Western Union transfer or MoneyGram in the name of my chamber's cashier on the following information stated below:
First Name: NUR Saadiatul ASMA HUSNA Binti
Last Name: YAHYA
Address: #: 4, Jalan Sultan Sulaiman 50,000 Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia.
Remember to send as soon as you have done me the transfer confirmation document the transfer, so I can immediately commence the process.
If so you may wish to transfer the bank account through wire transfer fees, do inform me to provide you with our bank account information.
Yours Faithfully,
Barr. Morris Teoh
SHB Group Advocates,
Notary Public & Attorney
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